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The first enterprise-class cloud-based B2B e-commerce platform (SaaS) 


For B2B companies embarking on digital transformation who need a simple and effective tool to sell online.

B2B online ordering system

Starts at

1 000 EUR per month

  • Sell your products online 24/7 via smartphones or tablets (RWD)
  • Provide your customers with a dedicated order panel and set individual business conditions
  • Make searching and ordering products easier for your customers with a simple interface and an efficient search engine


Dynamic start:

up to 2 weeks Saly is ON


Most popular plan

For growing B2B companies with well-organized business processes and an extensive sales department.

B2B e-commerce platform featuring Business Intelligence analytics and sales management automation

Starts at

2 500 EUR per month

  • Increase efficiency by automating sales and customer service processes
  • Enter new markets and expand your business in multiple languages
  • Make accurate, data-driven decisions using sales analysis and forecasting tools
  • Experience clear and perfect visualization of complex data
  • Efficiently manage your sales department with the individual accounts of your sales consultants
  • Personalize the customer panel, show up-to-date stock levels, price lists, information on availability, trade credits
  • Take advantage of the real-time indexing search engine and always display the right product

Complete implementation and personalization:

up to 8 weeks Saly is ON


Detailed comparison of the B2B platform versions

See the exact differences between the B2B e-commerce pricing plans


From 1 500 EUR/mo


From 3 500 EUR/mo

Implementation services

  • Online training – 2x3h
  • System setup under the customer domain
  • Basic personalization – logo and primary colors

Implementation services

  • Online training – 2x3h
  • System setup under the customer domain
  • Basic personalization – logo and primary colors

Standard support

  • JIRA, E-mail

Standard support

  • JIRA, E-mail

Available modules

  • Retail and customer price lists (based on individual discounts)
  • Enterprise-class product search engine
  • Digital product catalog
  • Stock levels
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Settlements, receivables
  • Carts
  • Sales documents
  • Trade credit
  • News tab
  • Sales promotions
  • Users
  • Multi-language support
  • Collections
  • Loyalty program
  • Full compatibility with Facebook and Google advertising and analytics tools

Available modules

  • Retail and customer price lists (based on individual discounts)
  • Enterprise-class product search engine
  • Digital product catalog
  • Stock levels
  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Settlements, receivables
  • Carts
  • Sales documents
  • Trade credit
  • News tab
  • Sales promotions
  • Users
  • Multi-language support
  • Collections
  • Loyalty program
  • Full compatibility with Facebook and Google advertising and analytics tools
  • Sales agents
  • Customer groups
  • Business Intelligence
  • Virtual grouped products
  • Possibility of ERP/WMS integration


  • Server data center with the ANSI/TIA-942 Rated-4 Certification
  • RPO 1H – Data backup performed every hour + daily backup at night
  • RTO 30 min – Database recovery from a backup copy up to 30 minutes
  • VRO 24H+7D – We keep 24 hourly and 7 daily backups
  • AWS object-based files storage
  • Enterprise Search Cluster
  • Direct connection to PLIX network node (Polish Internet eXchange)
  • Servers located in Poland


  • Server data center with the ANSI/TIA-942 Rated-4 Certification
  • RPO 1H – Data backup performed every hour + daily backup at night
  • RTO 30 min – Database recovery from a backup copy up to 30 minutes
  • VRO 24H+7D – We keep 24 hourly and 7 daily backups
  • AWS object-based files storage
  • Enterprise Search Cluster
  • Direct connection to PLIX network node (Polish Internet eXchange)
  • Servers located in Poland


  • Guaranteed 99% system uptime availability


  • Guaranteed 99% system uptime availability

System updates

  • Guaranteed latest version of the system and access to all new functionality.

System updates

  • Guaranteed latest version of the system and access to all new functionality.

One-off implementation cost

5 000 EUR net

One-off implementation cost

5 000 zł EUR net

Monthly fee for available modules

from 1 500 EUR net

Monthly fee for available modules

from 3 500 EUR net


For the most ambitious companies.

If you need custom functionalities and modules or have an individual specification – let us know, we will be happy to develop and implement such a solution for you.


Saly - Cennik Enterprise

What is Saly?

Saly platform is delivered in the SAAS model (Software as a Service), so that your platform is constantly developed and updated. As a software supplier, we take full responsibility for security, technical support, IT infrastructure maintenance and platform functionality development. You always work on the latest version of the platform – we guarantee that your software will never age.

Saly is a modern technology dedicated to the B2B sector.

Its main advantages over other B2B systems include:


  • High-performance software

Simple and agile software, without technological debt and unnecessary modules that are not dedicated to B2B buyers.


  • Great User Experience

A simple, intuitive interface for users at all levels of technological advancement, RWD (mobile, tablets, laptops), providing customers with an unforgettable shopping experience and contributing to their return.


  • Perfect visualization of sales data & Business Intelligence

Analytical panel with effective data analysis, sales forecasting, which enables accurate planning, budgeting and reporting.

Saly is a panel that not only enables you to manage the B2B e-commerce platform, but also delivers advanced analytics. It will help you make accurate business decisions based on data.

For your customers Saly is an online product catalog and B2B ordering system. What is the difference?


The product catalog is a kind of website where everyone can get acquainted with the offered assortment – however, there is no price and stock overview, therefore there is no possibility to make a purchase.


The B2B online ordering system allows your registered customers to place orders, view prices including individual discounts and stock levels, which means access to all purchasing functions.

How to start?

We will do it for you. You start managing product data and content on a configured platform.

Firstly, you have to decide which version you want to use: EASY or PRO.


In the PRO version we integrate the platform with your ERP system and provide access to advanced modules such as: sales agents, customer groups, Business Intelligence, virtual grouped products.


While working with Saly EASY, you enter data manually and have limited possibilities to serve B2B customers.


A detailed comparison of B2B platform versions is available here: https://saly.pl/en/pricing/.


Depending on your business needs and individual requirements you have a choice of 3 plans: EASY, PRO or ENTERPRISE. You will pay for the implementation of the platform (one-off) and a monthly fee for available modules.


A detailed price list of the system can be found here: https://saly.pl/en/pricing/.

The implementation of the Saly platform consists of several stages, including pre-implementation analysis (IT infrastructure, business requirements), platform configuration, integration with external systems, tests. We will keep you informed about the status of each of the stages. After the implementation of the platform, we will continue to keep in touch and jointly develop Saly’s capabilities to respond to the emerging needs of the market and your customers.


The implementation time depends on the selected plan of the B2B platform (Easy, Pro, Enterprise) – the number and complexity of processes (e.g. ERP integration) and features (e.g. virtual grouped products) to be supported.


Saly is a modern software built strictly in accordance with the requirements of the B2B market and provides all the necessary functions that allow companies to effectively serve their customers online. In addition to the basic functions, in the ENTERPRISE version we offer the possibility to implement customized solutions according to your business needs.

Yes, in Saly you can create user groups and assign them different permissions to operate within the platform.


User roles:


  • Administrator – has full access to all platform features;
  • Salesman – manages customer data (personal information, trade credit, price lists) and orders (order editing, status change). He can also place orders on behalf of the customer;
  • Marketing specialist / SEO – manages the promotion module, takes care of the aesthetics and accuracy of the product data (product categories, descriptions, specifications, media) in the product catalog and news section;
  • Custom role – the administrator can set permissions for employees or edit the default ones.

Saly platform features an intuitive interface and excellent UX, so you don’t need any technical or IT knowledge to manage it effectively as part of your daily e-business activities.

Technical aspects

Yes, we just need to redirect the subdomain to our servers.


Your data is secure. Saly.pl makes use of the most modern and secure Data Center in Central and Eastern Europe (located in Poznań) with the ANSI/TIA-942 Rated-4 Certification which guarantees the highest level of security in all four areas: architecture, mechanics, power supply, and telecommunications.



Everything is handled by our DevOps department. Data backups are performed every hour + daily backup at night. We retain 24 hourly and 7 daily backups.

Yes, Saly is fully responsive.


Yes, with the SLA you do not need to worry about possible failures and service unavailability! We guarantee 99.9% system uptime.


Ongoing support

Sure! We provide standard support (via JIRA or e-mail) and dedicated support.

Yes, in PRO and ENTERPRISE plans we offer full support with data migration from other e-commerce solutions.